full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Christopher "moot" Poole: The case for anonymity online

Unscramble the Blue Letters

CP: Yes and no. I mean, for as much good that kind of comes out of this environment, there is plenty of bad. There are ptelny of downsides. But I think that the greater good is being served here by just allowing people — there are very few places, now, where you can go and not have identity, to be completely anonymous and say whatever you'd like. And saying whatever you like, I think, is powerful. Doing whatever you like is now crossing a line. But I think it's imnaotrpt to have these places. When I get emails, people say, "Thank you for giving me this pclae, this outlet, where I can come after work and be myself."

Open Cloze

CP: Yes and no. I mean, for as much good that kind of comes out of this environment, there is plenty of bad. There are ______ of downsides. But I think that the greater good is being served here by just allowing people — there are very few places, now, where you can go and not have identity, to be completely anonymous and say whatever you'd like. And saying whatever you like, I think, is powerful. Doing whatever you like is now crossing a line. But I think it's _________ to have these places. When I get emails, people say, "Thank you for giving me this _____, this outlet, where I can come after work and be myself."


  1. plenty
  2. important
  3. place

Original Text

CP: Yes and no. I mean, for as much good that kind of comes out of this environment, there is plenty of bad. There are plenty of downsides. But I think that the greater good is being served here by just allowing people — there are very few places, now, where you can go and not have identity, to be completely anonymous and say whatever you'd like. And saying whatever you like, I think, is powerful. Doing whatever you like is now crossing a line. But I think it's important to have these places. When I get emails, people say, "Thank you for giving me this place, this outlet, where I can come after work and be myself."

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
commercial picture 2

Important Words

  1. allowing
  2. anonymous
  3. bad
  4. completely
  5. crossing
  6. downsides
  7. emails
  8. environment
  9. giving
  10. good
  11. greater
  12. identity
  13. important
  14. kind
  15. line
  16. outlet
  17. people
  18. place
  19. places
  20. plenty
  21. powerful
  22. served
  23. work